Hi everyone. Just arrived from KL by transit and I'm now home. I brought lots of stuff so I'll see you guys 2moro, aite?
Yeah, I'm really happy to see my siblings again. Dad sports a new haircut (gundul T_T. The building of the garage started, my cousin is engaged, and a new shop opened close to my house. Its a 20 minute walk to Giant and some of my friends work there now.
And amazingly its BIG.
Oh, had a chat with Wann today. Stupid:
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
wann, got my msg?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
What msg?
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
nvm. ada training 2moro?
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
jus came back from jpn
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
mybe inda smpai x ur msg. Problm bh my hp nowadays
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
Ada x but im not coming
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
woah.. Ada ole2 utk aku?
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
k, so that means I'm bringing my gear
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
hahah, dunno. Chocolate?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
Apaeh? Kn join kau kh? Haha
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
mna sja x]
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
saffuan ada ckp training esok kan? Im staying back for my bro
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
knal kau safuan a. Btw, sapa bro mu?
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
zani, hey I thought you know him?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
Zani? Ummm.. Bru join main utk pte kh?
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
o wait, wann kah ni?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
awu. Haha
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
Zani mna kn? Kdng2 nama drg lain wa dpadng
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
my twin, man! Nda tpulang ko nda knal?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
sorry2 lupa ku
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
but hari atu ada ia training kn?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
aku 1wek+ udah ne training ne
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
dude, my twin main kendo
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
training ngan?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
aku pkir main rugby
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
bis 2 cna kau knal safuan? Ia rugby jua 2
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
dude, hello? Azzi ni!
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
I play rugby in the same team! He's the captain
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
eh palui hahaha
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
sory man
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
ko pikir ni sapa kan?
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
aku pkir kau my frnd c zie (a girl)
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
hahahaha. Sory dude
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
『WaNn』 si wet dreamer ku, ily! says:
aku inda skulah tdi
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
Sugoi-desu-ne! says:
2moro, ko ngantam ko brabis
Kyoto: Day 5,6&7/10
We went for a break from shopping so we went to Kyoto to sight see. The city is hotter than Kobe in the day and colder at night. I even shivered in the taxi. There, we went to Kiyomizu temple, The Golden Pavilion , and the Cinema village.
I got a lot of pics, but I'll have to lessen what I blog today. Sorry readers! In 5 minutes I'm going to the Zoo.

See you guys, I'll show you guys the rest of pics soon!
I got a lot of pics, but I'll have to lessen what I blog today. Sorry readers! In 5 minutes I'm going to the Zoo.
Kiyomizu temple
Sakura almost blooming
Kinkaku-ji. The Golden Temple
Fried Eel in soy sauce and Udon on the side. Yumm!
And some pics from Eigamura! The Cinema village where old and modern samurai dramas are filmed. Amazing!
Come here you big samurai meanie! I'm a rugby player!
Hey, ladies here are still awesome no matter what historical period
Wahh! Why does he get to be a ninja?!
And some pics from Eigamura! The Cinema village where old and modern samurai dramas are filmed. Amazing!
See you guys, I'll show you guys the rest of pics soon!
Sanomiya: Day 3/10
"Welcome to The Sixers, boy!"
Hiya! Went to Sanomiya where there is this whole place full of Anime merchandise (I swear to God!) and found a Rugby shop along the way. Seems that Rugby is popular in Kobe and this was the only shop available. So I got myself a Scrum hat, and maybe I'll be back to get myself some gloves and shorts. hahaha.
So we were in Sanomiya to go to Loft before we had dinner with one of Kaka's students in her English class. Kaka and Aurelie, her room mate from France recommended us to go there because there is so many stuff there.
Today, we're going to the aquarium but a big chance it might be raining.
Spring is here, and it's cold.
A Saturday Morning in Kobe
Here's a pic on the balcony. Since we were on top of hill, it's interesting to see the view from up here.
For breakfast, Kaka made Yakisoba. Instant Nuduru!
Something I got for 200 yen. hahaha, some things you can't find in Brunei ^_^
Another one for 200 yen. I'm still a kid inside after all.
Got myself a rare Sex Pistols album (bwahahaha) and a Velvet Revolver's Libertad Album from Kaka. Thx!
A note on the Sex Pistols, Gods of Punk as they are, Never Mind the Bollocks is their first and last studio album.
In case you're wondering, this is where I blog and surf the net.
And here's the place I do my homework. The green file being all of it.
Gonna go soon, see ya!
Umeda : Day 2/10
I am officially afraid of trains. Erk.
Kaka accompanied us to Umeda to go on a shopping spree. Of course the experience is interesting. The culture here requires a vast list of social rules such as standing in the right side of the escalator. I find myself saying "Sumimasen" every time I bump on someone.
Other than shopping and walking around the technological area of the city, we went on a ferris wheel on top of a seven-story building. Of course, someone had to object. Eventually we did go on the ferris wheel. I thought, since I'm in Japan, it's not so bad if I tried something crazy at least once. Much to my mom's dismay, hahaha.
And the pics of the day!
Hand warmers, or Butt warmers since I have to use in my back pockets.
Waiting for the train.
No teh tarik, but a hot Kirin Royal Milk Tea I got from the vending machine works well.
Train arrives!
And to spend my time in the train. The trains here are awesome!
Kaka and a hot poster.
In the streets of Umeda. It's already sunny!
An Italian Vanilla Gelato. Sugoi!
Mommy, mommy, I wanna go on the ferris wheel!
Kaka and I, a few feet high.

A view from the Ferris Wheel. See if you can find the castle from these pictures!
Kaka was suppose to send this during my birthday. It's a Naruto cup she got in the JUMP shop, but the real surprise is inside the cup.
Imagine what I see evrytime I drink my teh tarik cup.
Hahaha, cheers everybody.
I wanna hear from you guys alot on how you doing!
Pls update my Tagboard with some news so I can keep up with you guys ^_^
Kaka accompanied us to Umeda to go on a shopping spree. Of course the experience is interesting. The culture here requires a vast list of social rules such as standing in the right side of the escalator. I find myself saying "Sumimasen" every time I bump on someone.
Other than shopping and walking around the technological area of the city, we went on a ferris wheel on top of a seven-story building. Of course, someone had to object. Eventually we did go on the ferris wheel. I thought, since I'm in Japan, it's not so bad if I tried something crazy at least once. Much to my mom's dismay, hahaha.
And the pics of the day!
Kaka was suppose to send this during my birthday. It's a Naruto cup she got in the JUMP shop, but the real surprise is inside the cup.
Imagine what I see evrytime I drink my teh tarik cup.
Hahaha, cheers everybody.
I wanna hear from you guys alot on how you doing!
Pls update my Tagboard with some news so I can keep up with you guys ^_^
Karore- me-to / Calorie Mate!
photo blog,
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Hello again from Kobe, Osaka! I am using my old camera to take pictures so I get to post them using the card reader. First of all, those who played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater may have heard of a Calorie Mate. Calorie Mate can be consumed to increase Snake's stamina. I thought the brand is fictional until I saw some of them in the Airport vending machines. hahaha ^_^
I finally got to eat some (Fidsy, found a Mister Donut place and can't wait to get some, bwhahaha) and surprisingly I thought I'd picture a square cookie coming out of these boxes, but I find 2 packets with 2 shortbread each. And they were delicious! There was a chocolate flavor and there was fruit flavor. I ate the fruit flavor (green box below) and like snake said:
"It's damn good!"
"I want some more!"
I'm definitely buying an endless supply back home ^_^

Oh, and to Fids: boo your McDreamy!
I finally got to eat some (Fidsy, found a Mister Donut place and can't wait to get some, bwhahaha) and surprisingly I thought I'd picture a square cookie coming out of these boxes, but I find 2 packets with 2 shortbread each. And they were delicious! There was a chocolate flavor and there was fruit flavor. I ate the fruit flavor (green box below) and like snake said:
"It's damn good!"
"I want some more!"
I'm definitely buying an endless supply back home ^_^
Oh, and to Fids: boo your McDreamy!
Kobe: Day 1/10
..inside my sister's apartment. I was lucky enough to find really good internet here but unfortunately I left my USB cable for my phone at home. I apologise for the lack of images, however, thanks to my Yellow Blog Diary (refer to post Yellow Blog Diary in 10th march 2008) I'm able to at least write down my experiences on my way from Kansai-Osaka to walking down the freezing streets of Kobe.
It was raining (it's now spring and the sakura hadn't bloom yet) and the temperature is around 5-10 degrees. Now, seeing as living in Brunei where the average is around 30 degrees, you'll agree with me that Japan is definitely bloody cold.
Kaka Naj came to bring us to her apartment and help did all the paperwork for transportation. It was an hour bus ride to Kobe, then after that a train ride to her area. After that is a long walk in the cold streets with our heavy bags then more walking up the hill to her apartment.
The meals aren't hard to get here, since Japanese dishes are mainly seafood.
Vending machines are widely available here. Food and warm drinks(!) can be bought and they also return your change if you pay with 1000 yen. Even there's a cigarette vending machine here.
For lunch, we went to this pastry cafe (to Fakhrul, pls check out the definition for 'Theme Cafe') and the service was so different from how it works in Brunei. There was even a variety of sweeteners here. The breads are so amazing to look at and most of the stuff there you'll never see in other places.
For dinner, we went for Sushi. I found out it was a popular game to count who has the most sushi dishes. My mom brought my appetite up, "A game like that? You'll lose to Azzi in a long stride". The sushi is definitely delicious. We had crab mayo, egg sushi, california maki, blowfish (yes, that toxic fish. I heard you need a special licence to serve that), and sweet Inari-zushi to end the meal.
Went to the grocery store after that. They don;t give you any plastic bags for your goods, you have to use your own bag. Funny isn't it?
Forgive me for saying this too, bathrooms are amazing too. The taps have motion sensors and the urinals flush themselves! Even the toiler seat has a heater!
To Syazani. I can't get a pic here.
Remember "Calorie Mate" in MGS3? They sell it here! It isn't fictional after all.
Kaka's friend Aurelie has a PSP too, and plays Naruto, Valkyrie Profile, and Crisis Core.
Yes, Crisis Core FFVII. The gameplay is interesting but it seems the soundtrack used is from the original FF7 game. Cool FMV though. Buy that game and when I come home I'll get Patapon.
It was raining (it's now spring and the sakura hadn't bloom yet) and the temperature is around 5-10 degrees. Now, seeing as living in Brunei where the average is around 30 degrees, you'll agree with me that Japan is definitely bloody cold.
Kaka Naj came to bring us to her apartment and help did all the paperwork for transportation. It was an hour bus ride to Kobe, then after that a train ride to her area. After that is a long walk in the cold streets with our heavy bags then more walking up the hill to her apartment.
The meals aren't hard to get here, since Japanese dishes are mainly seafood.
Vending machines are widely available here. Food and warm drinks(!) can be bought and they also return your change if you pay with 1000 yen. Even there's a cigarette vending machine here.
For lunch, we went to this pastry cafe (to Fakhrul, pls check out the definition for 'Theme Cafe') and the service was so different from how it works in Brunei. There was even a variety of sweeteners here. The breads are so amazing to look at and most of the stuff there you'll never see in other places.
For dinner, we went for Sushi. I found out it was a popular game to count who has the most sushi dishes. My mom brought my appetite up, "A game like that? You'll lose to Azzi in a long stride". The sushi is definitely delicious. We had crab mayo, egg sushi, california maki, blowfish (yes, that toxic fish. I heard you need a special licence to serve that), and sweet Inari-zushi to end the meal.
Went to the grocery store after that. They don;t give you any plastic bags for your goods, you have to use your own bag. Funny isn't it?
Forgive me for saying this too, bathrooms are amazing too. The taps have motion sensors and the urinals flush themselves! Even the toiler seat has a heater!
To Syazani. I can't get a pic here.
Remember "Calorie Mate" in MGS3? They sell it here! It isn't fictional after all.
Kaka's friend Aurelie has a PSP too, and plays Naruto, Valkyrie Profile, and Crisis Core.
Yes, Crisis Core FFVII. The gameplay is interesting but it seems the soundtrack used is from the original FF7 game. Cool FMV though. Buy that game and when I come home I'll get Patapon.
Gonna be missing you guys ^_^
See you guys after the holidays, k?
Gonna be in Japan, k?
Gonna be missing a lot of stuff here while I'm gone.
Yes, I'll do my best to get you guys some stuff, awrite?
If you guys wanna, you cant see me off before my flight at 3pm. I'll be in the airport around 1pm, k?
I will miss you, friends.
Last pic before leaving, my GP class ^_^
Gonna be in Japan, k?
Gonna be missing a lot of stuff here while I'm gone.
Yes, I'll do my best to get you guys some stuff, awrite?
If you guys wanna, you cant see me off before my flight at 3pm. I'll be in the airport around 1pm, k?
I will miss you, friends.
Last pic before leaving, my GP class ^_^

Posted by
Before I leave for Japan, I thought I'd leave something for Zani in the pc.
I've been craving for Fl0w for the PS3 but downloading through the Playstation Network can be tiring with the WiFi here.
I remembered it was a remake of a popular flash game so I wondered if its available for download.
Yes, and it's free. ^_^
You play as an underwater organism and the goal of this game is
Grow and Evolve
To grow and survive, you have to eat other organisms present in the game who are also fighting for their position in the food chain. As you progress to the final organism, you will start again with another new organism.
Looking at the presentation, now this is what you call Artistic Gaming.
Check out this weblink to play the game. It's just so cool!
To download the game for FREE, press below
Fl0w download
Here's the PS3 remake trailer only available through the internet. Enjoy ^_^
I've been craving for Fl0w for the PS3 but downloading through the Playstation Network can be tiring with the WiFi here.
I remembered it was a remake of a popular flash game so I wondered if its available for download.
Yes, and it's free. ^_^
You play as an underwater organism and the goal of this game is
Grow and Evolve
To grow and survive, you have to eat other organisms present in the game who are also fighting for their position in the food chain. As you progress to the final organism, you will start again with another new organism.
Looking at the presentation, now this is what you call Artistic Gaming.
Check out this weblink to play the game. It's just so cool!
To download the game for FREE, press below
Fl0w download
Here's the PS3 remake trailer only available through the internet. Enjoy ^_^
Remember us.Love us.Don't say goodbye
Sarah had a good cry today. Leaving Brunei for the UK seems kind of hard for her.
So I told her keep your head up, go ahead cry and when its done, smile.
Remember us.
love us.
Don't say goodbye.
From my experience, a hug is always the best solution. Let it all out, you know.
What's funny is I sang an Oasis song just to cheer her up ^_^
To Sarah:
"Stop Crying Your heart"
So I told her keep your head up, go ahead cry and when its done, smile.
Remember us.
love us.
Don't say goodbye.
From my experience, a hug is always the best solution. Let it all out, you know.
What's funny is I sang an Oasis song just to cheer her up ^_^
To Sarah:
"Stop Crying Your heart"
Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared
You'll never change what's been
and gone
May your smile (may your smile)
Shine on (shine on)
be scared (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cause all
of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them
some day
Take what you need
and be on your way
and stop crying your
heart out
Get up (get up)
Come on (come on)
Why're you scared?
(I'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone
Cause all
of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them
some day
Take what you need
and be on your way
and stop crying your
heart out
Cause all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to
You'll see them some day
Just take what you need
and be on
your way
and stop crying your heart out
We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
and be on your way
and stop crying your
heart out
Stop crying your heart out (x3)
2 days Till See Ya!
Posted by
Monday, March 17, 2008
In 2 days I will be on vacation.
First we will be in Kuala Lumpur on transit and stay there 5 hours. Enough time to do some shopping before the next flight.
Then after that we will be on our way in a 6 hour trip to Japan.
Yes, Japan.
Most of my friends kept asking me for Souvenirs, but only Fiqah asked stuff for business.
"Get me something really good for the Japanese Club," said the President.
I'll try to see if I can bring anything home.
I have to say goodbye tomorrow because I won't be attending the cross country on Wednesday.
But if you guys want to, you can see me off before the plane departs at 3pm. I'll be in the airport by 1pm.
I'll do my best to blog a lot while in Japan. I'll be bringing my Yellow Blog Diary and hopefully you guys won't miss a thing.
So see you guys after the holidays, I'll be a day late for school but I'll defnitely see you guys then.
Hahaha, I'll be doing my homework essays on the plane ^_^
First we will be in Kuala Lumpur on transit and stay there 5 hours. Enough time to do some shopping before the next flight.
Then after that we will be on our way in a 6 hour trip to Japan.
Yes, Japan.
Most of my friends kept asking me for Souvenirs, but only Fiqah asked stuff for business.
"Get me something really good for the Japanese Club," said the President.
I'll try to see if I can bring anything home.
I have to say goodbye tomorrow because I won't be attending the cross country on Wednesday.
But if you guys want to, you can see me off before the plane departs at 3pm. I'll be in the airport by 1pm.
I'll do my best to blog a lot while in Japan. I'll be bringing my Yellow Blog Diary and hopefully you guys won't miss a thing.
So see you guys after the holidays, I'll be a day late for school but I'll defnitely see you guys then.
Hahaha, I'll be doing my homework essays on the plane ^_^
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