Just finished my last assesment test yesterday. I had to do an essay in Sociology, and while anyone would normally dread from the word "
essay" and "
test", I enjoyed it. Exploring Comte's view of Sociology as a science and Durkheim's interpretation is very intersting.
The tournament has arrive, and sadly, we lost the first match. It was against the Knights again, but the funny thing is that the game wasn't as aggressive as the last match. Our scrum were uncontested, resulting in no pushing during the scrum.
I was subbed in the first half and did not enter in the second. Maybe it's because I panicked and end up my focus on the tacklers than my teammates. This means I have to get this fear away, get more exercise and learn to tackle better.
Simon said I was better in diving through (I think he meant the move I did in the first Knights match, most of my teammates were impressed by that). I hope I'll do better next training.
Yesterday during my EAS class, Mr Kendrew called me to his table. I thought it had something to do with my commentaries on previous texts, but it wasn't. Instead he said:
"How would you like to be on the telly?"
*Shock* (Note: Telly is an english slang for Television)
"Why would I like to be on the telly?" I replied.
"Mr Thompson today was asked by Mrs Lim to present student for an interview by RTB. So I thought of you, since you like to talk and you have very good english."
So he said if I'd like my name written down. And of course, I have to take in many opportunities, I said yes. If I get chosen, my interview will be on Monday afternoon.