
Friday, May 11, 2007
What's 45-15 you say? That's the score of our 4th Rugby match, with SM Awg Semaun again.

And yes, we won.

Our first victory with the same team that defeated us in our first game has 4 times the points than before. COOLNESS.
Marvellous tries today, Izzat was a great captain.

It seemed I was too spunky in that game that Izzat and Sofian had to shut me up before I make a real mess.
Izzat gave me some words of confidence. He said to stop whining and groaning (it was ruining our morale) and stay focused on the game. He then said that many of my teammates including himself still believe in me.
Amazing how much I improved after that! I finally grabbed high balls (I thank Sofian for that, and practice!), did more running and tackling (thanks also to Rashidin) and finally improved my defence.
I thanked Mr Stuart for not letting me out of the game even when I was exhausted (and like a premonition my exhaustion dissappeared).
And the coolest thing is I lasted in the whole hour of the game.

So the lesson here is always push yourself when you think you're tired.
The pain will dissappear without you noticing it.

Awg Semaun did great too. Still high tempered but fast. I don't want to go through what kind of stuff happened during the game, but I can tell you the referee wasn't pretty happy.
One rule is to always listen to the referee, no questions asked.
Should I also mention how slippery they are?

Sports Day. I was forced to join the march pass.