However, the most hilarious is Kelvin's random rants whenever he holds the controller ^_^

Kelvin: (To Fakhrul after a successful hit) Take that you Fag!
Kelvin: I poke you like a bitch!
Siegfried's close range attack
Kelvin: What the hell? Dancing kah?
Abu: Headbutt tu wah!
Kelvin: Boo your first compliment!
Darth Vader: There is no escape
Kelvin: Who wants to escape?!
After some awesome display of getting his ass kicked
Kelvin: Hahahah, don't be so angry..
Kelvin: (adding to Fakhrul's annoyance) No! Fakhrul! You lost!
Kelvin: Boo! You lost!
While going against the Apprentice..
Kelvin: You and your Vader you!
Commenting on Algol's weapons
Kelvin: Pepsi and CocaCola!
Using Yoshimitsu..
Kelvin: I'm a gravity samurai!
Kelvin's trademark rant: shuttup!
HAHAHA, can't wait for the videogame party after the exams!
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