How am I doing?

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Various things, honestly. I went on a movie craze and watched Pink Panther 2, Valkyrie and ,recently, The Punisher: Warzone. Seriously, The Punisher was a gorefest. Old and young, they all get their heads get blown off! But if you want ratings, here we go:

(3 out of 5)
"I thought it'll be really cool to see Tom Cruise in an eyepatch though the acting was a bit dry. Good, but not so powerful. However, you might want to watch for the SUSPENSE! Great costume design by the way."

Pink Panther 2
(2 out of 5)
"I was watching Sgt Bilko and realised Steve Martin sounded catchy in a French accent. It was great comedy with a surprising end."

Punisher: War zone
(3.5 out of 5)
"Definitely better than the earlier Punisher film. I thank Marvel and other film companies for making these reboots now I can only pray they would atleast remake Ghost Rider.We got some unrelenting violence with 'mercy' missing in the vocabulary. Ray Stevenson is one cool badass!"

Candid shot from Zimo all of a sudden -_-

Ok, to start off, I got a job at a tuition school in Lambak. Now, I'm currently waiting for students. I'll be teaching English 'O' level, General Paper, and English Literature for A levels. The funny part though is I am only asking to teach Literature, that is until the adminstrator checked out my Certificates (Stares at English O lvl: B3, EngLit O lvl: A2, EAS: c, GP: a, EngLit A lvl: C).

And because I'm missing some test papers during the last big house cleanup, I had to do a GP essay and an English Comprehension. That was tiring! Well, anyway, now I have to wait for the call once they advertised the subjects. Phew.. now I'm in a run talking to my teachers. Even today, I was asking Mrs Joanne Bentley for tips ^^