Post-Game Fun

Saturday, May 23, 2009
We settled down on a Gerai on-route from KB, eating Nasi Katok and smoked fish as we (my team mates) discuss about the earlier game. All of a sudden, constant croaking turned our curious eyes to an unlikely creature taking refuge in a man's pocket. At first we thought it was a parrot, we saw one in a cage, of which we thought it must be a parrot talented in ventriloquism (That is impressive!). However, there was really an animal hiding in the guys pocket where it is being fed to. As the curiousity intensifies, the most unlikely creature that we ever saw in that gerai was a Flying Squirrel.

Alai with the squirrel on her shoulder.

Can't see it? Here's another image.

The squirrel and its penetrating eyes.

I'm really thankful for the squirrel. Next to the meal it kind of cheered us up after the Pythons game. Don't misunderstand. We did great, the Pythons were great sport during and after the game. Now we can only see if the next game will be amazing. Anyway, it's great to feel at one with the team outside the rugby field.