Sprain foot

Thursday, June 4, 2009
I thought I'd post this up to relieve boredom. Just two days ago when I thought Rugby training was at Kebajikan (instead it was at JIS) so I stayed around to play with the junior team when unexpectedly while trying to make a big run for it, felt a sudden pang (or pop?) of pain in the left foot. So yeah, it was excruciating and it was the first time I had it (just like that concussion last year, erk).

So most of the afternoon yesterday was spent on walking with a cane in a hand and an elastic bandage around my foot to limit the swelling. Gladly enough, there was no bone injury so all I need was to heal in 1 or 2 weeks then I'm free back to the gym and go for Rugby training. I think today, the junior team will be glad to know that they injured a senior, despite not applying the injury. They deserve it. In the meantime, I should try to find some stretch exercises for my foot just in case it won't happen again. Yikes!