God Bless You
from Azzi
Nothing much to give except for my prayers"
Something I wrote on the Teacher Dedication Board.
Today we celebrate the day we thank our Teachers for their patience and hardwork (Ok, normally I don't sound like this).
Ranging from a tribute, an MP medley, a magic show, dancing, and more.
MPs singing Toy Story's You got a Friend in Me
Izun sang Umbrella for a brief time, and they never expected that the audience would sing the chorus themselves!
Zirah singing Michael Buble's Home.
Danial's Knocking on Heaven's Door!
Their dedications.
Safrizan's daring "Sorry for overdue homework" speech!
And surprisingly, Danial sang Mona (thought I saw a some sour faces there)
Then after that the teacher's treated us with ready-made food in the canteen.
And then more fun: the Tekken finals!
A special guest, Dee.
and for the very first time, Dee is in my blog.
With all the free food, videogames, and Dee in PTEB, nothing stopped me from smiling alot today.
Next Day..
Asked Yusra what did he do with the Tekken trophy.
"Using it as an ashtray"
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