Along with the other lower six students in PTEB, Saffuan started off as a beginner in rugby. Being a basket ball player first, he already developed the necessary reflexes in the field. However, the very first of his tackles was a Spear. A powerful jolt attack yet an illegal tackle in rugby. Later, with a little help from his Physics knowledge and continuous practice, Saffuan became one of Brunei's most fearsome tacklers.
Saffuan's hard hitters depend on the opponent's reflexes. The T-rex Crash is like playing with the reflexes of a boxer. Once the opponent steps back, one rocket fist will send the fighter flying to a knockout. Again, the T-rex crash is fatal to any unsuspecting player. Once he starts raising his legs, any player with the right mind would be very careful, swift and quick; or just move away.

Anyone who is lucky enough to survive from this crash would either be in the hospital, or a deathly mark on their bodies. Once, I got hit and the shoulder, where the impact was, went green the next day. It took almost 3 weeks to disappear.

Of course, the key is always speed. It's all about not hesitating to attack. Go directly into contact with full force. If your opponent is dashing straight at you, do not lose focus and stay in his eyes. Be sure that there is a RIGHT AMOUNT of space between you and your opponent to carefull exact your actions.

The most IMPORTANT part of the crash. Saffuan said that he did a 'bicycle' to make the opponent think he's going to side step. However, this is a trick. I quote from the Coach, "Forwards do not SIDE STEP, we go directly into contact." The opponent is tricked and his body stops for a second before Saffuan hits him like a moving train.
Here is some theories on why Saffuan does the 'bicycle'.
(1) By catching the opponent off guard by pretending to sidestep, it creates a wider area for impact. Therefore, it increases the chances of injuring the opponent upon impact.
(2) It creates the illusion of Saffuan intentionally trying to kick the opponent in the face. The opponent will think "If I keep going, he will kick me in the face, so I have to avoid any injuries on my looks" then halts. And because rugby is a really fast paced sport, there is definitely no time to think twice!
(3) I learned that by doing the 'bicycle' in mid-run will make you faster. I once tried to imitate it in front of someone and accidentally tackled him. It seems the bicycle makes your movement uncontrollable in a short moment, and that if you went straight into a tackle, the impact would be mighty devastating.
A variation of this (and only when Saffuan is playing around) is by kicking his legs up high. It's pretty amusing to see when the whole team running to the sides.

How you use the impact is important. Saffuan is also careful with how he impacts.
For one thing, it is the DIRECTION of the impact. By making an upward thrust (that is RIPPING from down to up with your shoulder), you will temporarily stun the opponent and easily run past him like nothing.
Saffuan's favourite, however, is crashing THROUGH. One of the few reasons that this attack is terrifying is the fact that his shoulders are sharp and hard as steel. If he doesn't want to break your ribs, he'll make your lungs explode. And by crashing through the sorry boy, you'll push him away like a ragdoll thrown out of sight.
Here's some tips on survival:
QUICK AND SWIFT. The right momentum would be when he starts raising his legs. I think it would take 1 second to close the distance between you and Saffuan.
NO FEAR. The worst thing you can do is hesitate. Never hesitate because it hints your weakness. Believe it or not, Saffuan can see fear in you eyes.
PLAY WITH EGO. Ego should be part of the equation. A technique taught by Saffuan himself, the key is let the player go past you. This is not an act of fear, but a way to gain opportunity. Once he charges past you, grab his shirt as fast you can and pull him the ground. Becareful though, go slower and he'll break your arm away.
Thank you for reading A lesson in Rugby pt 2.
Please check out the BANDAR BLACKS in action in youtube!
Azzi The Armored Bear
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