I stayed up for awhile to blog some stuff up. I wish I could write about the art in the act of blogging but then my thoughts on most things end up as endless ranting so I'll spare you from boredom, yes?
I thought I'd be posting stories in my blog once I'd get a laptop for myself which was meant to be this week. If you heard of my love for the Macbook you will understand my obsession with it. Anyway, my plan was to have it last Wednesday.
However, you see ladies and gentlemen, fate has this way of trying to screw you in many directions. My excitement for it burned to cinder when they told me there wasn't any in stock, leaving me to wait for it for a much longer period of time. Like how I told Naddy, only ONE word could describe how I felt then.
(wait for it..)
(Ok, here goes. *inhales*)
So anyway.
I'm reaching the end of my ITB orientation week tomorrow. I'll have to remind myself tomorrow about bringing the passport photo in a digital copy. But who knows what'll happen tomorrow? Maybe some more exciting games to play or some more valiant stories to be told. Looks like we are already eager to get in the classroom studying. I know I am.
Good night everybody. Please pray I'll do these 2 and a 1/2 years alright.
Will update soon!
Posted by
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I'm really occupied with ITB so you guys will just have to wait until I find enough time to blog stuff again. So please wait for me?
Anyway, ITB orientation kind of absorbed all my energy, maybe it's how moving to University is like. There was more talk on rules and regulations and reminding everyone how tough the courses are. I guess UBD is also having their orientation as well. I'm wondering if their briefing is religious to an extent?
I'll post up some pictures on my MGS4 craze but the truth is set, I finished it and there is nothing that can bring it back... except loading the previous save data and replaying it bwhahahah.
Anyway, ITB orientation kind of absorbed all my energy, maybe it's how moving to University is like. There was more talk on rules and regulations and reminding everyone how tough the courses are. I guess UBD is also having their orientation as well. I'm wondering if their briefing is religious to an extent?
I'll post up some pictures on my MGS4 craze but the truth is set, I finished it and there is nothing that can bring it back... except loading the previous save data and replaying it bwhahahah.
MGS4: Dreaming of Crying Wolf
This game brings back memories. It reminded me of the great battles I had in the first and third game, namely the sniper battles. It's one of those awesome boss fights in the game that encourages you not to charge at the enemy, but try to think like a sniper. Use your tracking skills, use absolute concentration and keep your finger on the trigger.

Crying Wolf has elements of Sniper Wolf and The Sorrow and carries Fortune's Railgun
Wait a minute. You don't need a sniper battle for this fight. You can always try your best and charge at the snow. Tell you what, the longer you stay in the snow your psyche will drop. So why not stay under the warm and comfy truck away from danger. Surely, you'll get bombed and shot at if you're not careful but with your psyche all the way up, you'll heal eventually.

Here's a tip: If you are willing to spend some time waiting, go wait under the first truck you see. Depend on your Solid Eye and your Sniper Rifle.

Where are you mangy d... D'OH!
The map is really wide but to me it is the most exciting battle I've had since The End in MGS3. It's interesting really, it's a combination of both Sniper Wolf from MGS1 and The End's boss fight. In fact, I'm in the same place where I fought Sniper Wolf but I fight it the same way I did with The End. Minus the Kojima Code (Those who played MGS3 would be familiar with this. In fact it's like cheating heheh).

With a little patience you might spot her from the distance. The best thing to remember is that you're the hunted. Take advantage of that.

Disadvantage? She'll be THIS CLOSE if she doesn't come out her shell.

The best moment to shoot her is when she's trying to shoot at you. She'll come out her shell then readies her Rail Gun while looking for you eager to take you out with a single powerful laser blast.
Once she comes out of her shell, behold! Another Beauty! Mieko Rye stands in as Crying Wolf inside her quadruped shell. Debra Wilson Skelton and again, Fred Tatasciore voices the creepy double voice of the beasts. I got really hooked when she said, "Show me tears, let them flow!".

The beautiful Mieko Rye lends her face for the grief stricken wolf whose overwhelming guilt cries for release.
From what I know about Mieko Rye is she's a swimsuit model and has had photos in Maxim (I shall not post the photos. So unfortunately for you guys, you have to google the images yourself hahah) and the only American from all four beauties. An interesting roster to though. Japanese, American, South African and Slovakian. For information on the other girls, read the last post on Raging Raven for links on the Beauty and Beast Featurette.

More photo opportunities for you!

Lady, I'm ready for my HP absorbing massage.

Very realistic design, she breathes air vapor out of her mouth. They said it's colder in Shadow Moses due to global warming.
Before I overheat the PS3, you guys have to wait for Screaming Mantis and Laughing Octopus. Two more beauties. Definitely means that I will play this game endlessly. See you again! Cheers.

The time I took this shot was when I borrowed Faizul's MGS4 and even know, I'm still impressed with wolf's detailed design.
Thanks to Zani for taking the helm on the second controller for that action shot of Wolf (the 3rd Picture from the top) ^^

Wait a minute. You don't need a sniper battle for this fight. You can always try your best and charge at the snow. Tell you what, the longer you stay in the snow your psyche will drop. So why not stay under the warm and comfy truck away from danger. Surely, you'll get bombed and shot at if you're not careful but with your psyche all the way up, you'll heal eventually.

The map is really wide but to me it is the most exciting battle I've had since The End in MGS3. It's interesting really, it's a combination of both Sniper Wolf from MGS1 and The End's boss fight. In fact, I'm in the same place where I fought Sniper Wolf but I fight it the same way I did with The End. Minus the Kojima Code (Those who played MGS3 would be familiar with this. In fact it's like cheating heheh).

Once she comes out of her shell, behold! Another Beauty! Mieko Rye stands in as Crying Wolf inside her quadruped shell. Debra Wilson Skelton and again, Fred Tatasciore voices the creepy double voice of the beasts. I got really hooked when she said, "Show me tears, let them flow!".

From what I know about Mieko Rye is she's a swimsuit model and has had photos in Maxim (I shall not post the photos. So unfortunately for you guys, you have to google the images yourself hahah) and the only American from all four beauties. An interesting roster to though. Japanese, American, South African and Slovakian. For information on the other girls, read the last post on Raging Raven for links on the Beauty and Beast Featurette.

Before I overheat the PS3, you guys have to wait for Screaming Mantis and Laughing Octopus. Two more beauties. Definitely means that I will play this game endlessly. See you again! Cheers.

Thanks to Zani for taking the helm on the second controller for that action shot of Wolf (the 3rd Picture from the top) ^^
MGS4: Dreaming of Raging Raven
There are moments in videogaming where defeating a heavily frustrating boss would reward you with halcyon. Complete peace and relaxation. Let it be super long cutscenes or a very satisfying ending. In Metal Gear Solid 4's case, however, can be both another problem and at the same time the best part of the fight. I'm talking about the BB corp: The Beauty and The Beast. Here's the story. Once you beat these bosses, they come out of their terrifying (yet full of *new word* Super Awesome) suits and reveal REALLY SEXY BEAUTIFUL women. (I would like to thank God and Kojima).

Behind Raging Raven's infinite rage is a woman of vanity. I am thankful for it.
The worst part is that when they come near you, they suck the life out of snake and you'll be screwed if you don't get her off (please, not that kind of thinking). So don't take out your camera or else you might find yourself in the corner with the beauty walking ghost-like towards your doom (a real graceful serene ghost-like walk.. *slap myself*).

Snake: Ms. Raven, you are trying to seduce me! Raven: No I am not. *Absorbs HP*
It was freaky at first but if you wait for awhile before you shoot her to sleep (or death if you use lethal force. Why would you do it, I don't know unless you're crazy or you're a gamer girl taking the controller from your boyfriend while he unrolls his tongue) you'll enter this dream like sequence where the surrounding turns all white, like the Matrix if you get what I mean. Best photo opportunity! Take your camera and they start posing for you only for awhile before they start chasing you again. Best advice is to ZOOM IN, don't walk closer!

Japanese Model Yumi Kikuchi is a personal friend to Kojima and was given the honor to be immortalized as the beauty behind the beast.
Yumi Kikuchi though not voice acting of which the honor goes to Nika Futterman and Fred Tatasciore (a scary combination..) lends her face for one of the beauties. What I am amazed about is how they beautifully rendered her in 3D. Try comparing the photos and you can see why MGS4 is a technical achievement without flaw.

Kojima is well known for placing sexual images in the MGS series. Be it Meryl in her underwear, hidden posters of Japanese models, EVA, and finally the Beasts.
I guess I am lucky today. Apparently you can export the photos to your PS3 hardrive then you can transfer them to your USB and blog it up on the computer. It's great because it's all in HD quality. So here's what I'm going to do:
I'm going to blog up every fight with the beasts then post it up here. Let's say it is my gaming blog section. So I only have Crying Wolf and Screaming Mantis left and as for Laughing Octopus, since I found the camera in Act 3 I'll save her best for last.
In the mean time, here are some more photos of my encounter of the angry beauty known as the voluptuous Raging Raven. Cheers.

Unforgettable.. that's what you are...
Unforgettable... though near or far...
Similar posts:
[Tuesday, August 28, 2007] http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/2007/08/beauty-and-beast-unit-bosses-of-metal.html
[Thursday, August 30, 2007] http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/2007/08/models-for-beauty-and-beast-unit.html

The worst part is that when they come near you, they suck the life out of snake and you'll be screwed if you don't get her off (please, not that kind of thinking). So don't take out your camera or else you might find yourself in the corner with the beauty walking ghost-like towards your doom (a real graceful serene ghost-like walk.. *slap myself*).

It was freaky at first but if you wait for awhile before you shoot her to sleep (or death if you use lethal force. Why would you do it, I don't know unless you're crazy or you're a gamer girl taking the controller from your boyfriend while he unrolls his tongue) you'll enter this dream like sequence where the surrounding turns all white, like the Matrix if you get what I mean. Best photo opportunity! Take your camera and they start posing for you only for awhile before they start chasing you again. Best advice is to ZOOM IN, don't walk closer!

Yumi Kikuchi though not voice acting of which the honor goes to Nika Futterman and Fred Tatasciore (a scary combination..) lends her face for one of the beauties. What I am amazed about is how they beautifully rendered her in 3D. Try comparing the photos and you can see why MGS4 is a technical achievement without flaw.

I guess I am lucky today. Apparently you can export the photos to your PS3 hardrive then you can transfer them to your USB and blog it up on the computer. It's great because it's all in HD quality. So here's what I'm going to do:
I'm going to blog up every fight with the beasts then post it up here. Let's say it is my gaming blog section. So I only have Crying Wolf and Screaming Mantis left and as for Laughing Octopus, since I found the camera in Act 3 I'll save her best for last.
In the mean time, here are some more photos of my encounter of the angry beauty known as the voluptuous Raging Raven. Cheers.

Similar posts:
[Tuesday, August 28, 2007] http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/2007/08/beauty-and-beast-unit-bosses-of-metal.html
[Thursday, August 30, 2007] http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/2007/08/models-for-beauty-and-beast-unit.html
So I reached Five Hundred page views on my blog. I'm glad because it's like I finally reached something. Apparently, if I had been updating my blog like I did months ago, I would have reached 5000 earlier and maybe by now I would have 9000 (just a theory!).

Thank you everyone for reading my blog. I am know hoping you guys would come back and start trashing my tagboard with messages. Always fun to read and always a pleasure to hear from all of you.

Thank you everyone for reading my blog. I am know hoping you guys would come back and start trashing my tagboard with messages. Always fun to read and always a pleasure to hear from all of you.
I Dreamed a Dream a Time Gone By
Originally titled "J'avais rêvé d'une autre vie". I dreamed of another life. The song belongs to Fantine, a factory worker who secretly sends money to her illegitimate child but is then caught in a conflict which causes her dismissal then forces her to prostitution. In the musical "Les Miserables", she sings about a dream of her former years when love was thought to conquer all before the man she loves abandoned her.
[Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - I Dreamed a Dream
I dreamed a dream of time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living,
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung, no wine untasted.
But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame.
He slept a summer by my side.
He filled my days with endless wonder,
He took my childhood in his stride,
But he was gone when autumn came.
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together!
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather.
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
Most of you would know this song to be the one song sang by the incredible Susan Boyle, a woman in her 40s who hasn't been kissed before but still dreams of stardom. The power of her singing combined with the equally powerful lyrics are a strong inspiration for those who still aspire for love and chasing dreams.
[Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - I Dreamed a Dream
I dreamed a dream of time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living,
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung, no wine untasted.
But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame.
He slept a summer by my side.
He filled my days with endless wonder,
He took my childhood in his stride,
But he was gone when autumn came.
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together!
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather.
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
Most of you would know this song to be the one song sang by the incredible Susan Boyle, a woman in her 40s who hasn't been kissed before but still dreams of stardom. The power of her singing combined with the equally powerful lyrics are a strong inspiration for those who still aspire for love and chasing dreams.
Dream Machine
White polycarbonate shell. The word swirls repeatedly in my mind floating in the sea of dreams. *sigh* Good things come to those who wait but you can't help but think of those good things while waiting.
I remember Cikgu Rahmah, my Form 5 Geography teacher and serial movie spoilering favorite (Thank you Teacher for telling me who dies in whatever film that I plan to watch. ARGH), recommended to me time and time again to get a Macbook as a first choice in computers. Well, I always take Cikgu Rahmah's advice at heart (and your movie spoilers. ARGH) but I already made my decision earlier.
First of all I remember the Windows Vista being a big disappointment and how people tend to stick to the XP most of the time. Then there was this rage for laptops and people are clawing their heads for either a DELL, or an ASUS, or an HP etc. Most of the time its for its gaming capabilities (graphic card, processor, RAM, space).
However, the thing about me wanting macbooks is not for the games (did I hear someone say liar?). It's true. In fact I'm really in it for its publishing aspects.
Nowadays all the creative stuff gets done with the Apple Mac, like Garage Band! Imogen Heap uses a macbook on live shows and there are cartoonists using macbooks to complete their works. Plus, there are programs for webpages. Maybe someday I'll start blogging on the thing.
I'm going to fall asleep now and start dreaming a macbook and hopefully I won't drool over the pillow. See you dudes!
2.13GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB DDR2 Memory
160GB Hard Drive
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
Standard Keyboard
White polycarbonate shell
2.13GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB DDR2 Memory
160GB Hard Drive
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
Standard Keyboard
White polycarbonate shell
I remember Cikgu Rahmah, my Form 5 Geography teacher and serial movie spoilering favorite (Thank you Teacher for telling me who dies in whatever film that I plan to watch. ARGH), recommended to me time and time again to get a Macbook as a first choice in computers. Well, I always take Cikgu Rahmah's advice at heart (and your movie spoilers. ARGH) but I already made my decision earlier.
First of all I remember the Windows Vista being a big disappointment and how people tend to stick to the XP most of the time. Then there was this rage for laptops and people are clawing their heads for either a DELL, or an ASUS, or an HP etc. Most of the time its for its gaming capabilities (graphic card, processor, RAM, space).
However, the thing about me wanting macbooks is not for the games (did I hear someone say liar?). It's true. In fact I'm really in it for its publishing aspects.
Nowadays all the creative stuff gets done with the Apple Mac, like Garage Band! Imogen Heap uses a macbook on live shows and there are cartoonists using macbooks to complete their works. Plus, there are programs for webpages. Maybe someday I'll start blogging on the thing.
I'm going to fall asleep now and start dreaming a macbook and hopefully I won't drool over the pillow. See you dudes!
Institute Technology Brunei
Posted by
Saturday, July 18, 2009
So I got up this morning, and I realize I'm suppose to be heading off to ITB for registration. I did the whole familiar routine: shower, shave, epically wear every piece of clothing, then my favorite part: staring at the mirror for 5 minutes before leaving (hahaha jk). During moments like these, you've got to dress to impress. You'll meet some people you're not familiar with and may come across some of your old ones. Trouble is, it is really hard to smile if you got a metal fence as teeth (not to worry, my braces will be gone soon!).

MIB. Not Melayu Islam Beraja. Men in Blue.
Here's the story. All I had to do is fill out another form complete with copies of my IC, passport photos and Bank book then complete it with a receipt for insurance. Funny thing though. TAIB, IBB and BIBD were all there like its another expo going on, this time excepting customers straight away. But it also looks like BIBD is introducing student accounts that might be linked to computer loans. I guess I didn't need one since I already have an account.

So we are only inside 1/4 of the whole place?!
So after all that, it was time to leave but I wanted to see around what the campus is like. I didn't tread far but looking from a scale model of the place, it looks like the small building was only a tip of the iceberg. Maybe once I start for real, I'll go look around and maybe see the sports field and other things (like that shop inside campus. They sell newspapers and shampoo, can you believe it?).

ooo, vending machine! Finally a real emergency box!

Old or new, it's still sweet!
Well, it looks like there is no rugby in the list of ECAs but I can change that. My team mates are in the Uni so maybe looks like we're going to have to mix with the UBD Sharks (yes, Miza! I'm also considering it!). Better yet, maybe start my own team ^^.
Here's the story. All I had to do is fill out another form complete with copies of my IC, passport photos and Bank book then complete it with a receipt for insurance. Funny thing though. TAIB, IBB and BIBD were all there like its another expo going on, this time excepting customers straight away. But it also looks like BIBD is introducing student accounts that might be linked to computer loans. I guess I didn't need one since I already have an account.
So after all that, it was time to leave but I wanted to see around what the campus is like. I didn't tread far but looking from a scale model of the place, it looks like the small building was only a tip of the iceberg. Maybe once I start for real, I'll go look around and maybe see the sports field and other things (like that shop inside campus. They sell newspapers and shampoo, can you believe it?).
Well, it looks like there is no rugby in the list of ECAs but I can change that. My team mates are in the Uni so maybe looks like we're going to have to mix with the UBD Sharks (yes, Miza! I'm also considering it!). Better yet, maybe start my own team ^^.
No uniforms, just yourself.
I'm off to school. I'm not going go over dramatic on this and say "Tomorrow is a New Day" (in which technically I already said it). It's great that I get to go back to school (Ziggy! What are you saying?!). I miss the life and these eight months do seem unforgiving at times. Now it's time to hit books again.
Congratulations to everyone who got into UBD and ITB. It looks like we just made a big leap from college there. But what will expect? New life, new culture, new stories to tell. And how about your other friends who may not be by your side? We get these break away from our friends alot, and it's always sad. I tell you what, don't forget us. Keep that image of you and your friends together in your head, especially the best memories you had together.
Yes, it is very emotional for me. There aren't many people I know getting into ITB but I can only hope and stay optimistic that I will definitely see my old friends, and maybe make new ones. I guess there is always a time when you get to share stories like before another day.
Well, looks like there are somethings I need to do before the actual studying begins. Clean my room, it's a mess ^^

Congratulations to everyone who got into UBD and ITB. It looks like we just made a big leap from college there. But what will expect? New life, new culture, new stories to tell. And how about your other friends who may not be by your side? We get these break away from our friends alot, and it's always sad. I tell you what, don't forget us. Keep that image of you and your friends together in your head, especially the best memories you had together.
Yes, it is very emotional for me. There aren't many people I know getting into ITB but I can only hope and stay optimistic that I will definitely see my old friends, and maybe make new ones. I guess there is always a time when you get to share stories like before another day.
Have fun, enjoy like always.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince: Review
I haven't done a movie review for a long time so bear with me.
The film is really about growing up. Six films is really a long way for the cast, that is why you can see much of its maturity in the film. The film forces you to reconnect with the previous movies (particularly the first and second)so as to remind you how the series had evolved since its beginnings. As if it had been done deliberately to prepare you for the final chapter, The Deathly Hallows coming out the next year.
They said the book was the darkest and most emotional of all seven books. The film is no exception to that.
First of all, it's the acting that surprises you. Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) sheds his bully persona as we normally see in the previous films to reveal a tortured soul that is clearly showing personal conflict between life and duty inside. What else can we say about Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), finally gained more screen time than the earlier films, is now a powerful character that forces its way into the roster of main characters. I don't know if this is just me, but why do I sense a bit of the late Richard Harris in Dumbledore? I'm not saying Michael Gambon didn't make an original portrayal. Maybe it is the direction where we are treated to the spirit of the former Dumbledore for nostalgic effect.
The film really captured the different genres that surrounds this film. But what most people did not expect is its horror aspect. Terrifying in fact it is surprising that it is in a PG film. However, the romance plays its powerful part in the film. Yes, romance is the driving plot of the film.
Warming up, are we?
My favorite part of the review: the direction. David Yates's induction into the roster of Harry Potter directors makes him the perfect choice. In fact, maybe agree that Yates's style in his direction (as seen in Order of the Phoenix, remember that final battle? Woosh!) makes him the most prominent director in the series and of course, we want to see more of his work in the next addition, The Deathly Hallows.
What about the writing? Steve Kloves returns in the writers helm, creating a screenplay that pretty much sticks out from his earlier Harry Potter films, introducing a more thematic and emotional screenplay. Even in the beginning we are already treated with an idea of what the film will be like, like for example the film begins with Harry leaving the Ministry of Magic after the tragic loss of his godfather which introduces the emotional aspect of the film while later the scene where Harry is first seen in a Cafe talking to a waitress introduces the romance and adolescent aspects. Ok, you might think this is a pretty heavy movie. Well the comedic scenes tend to lighten up the emotional load. It does not forget the fact that this is meant to be a film enjoyed by all ages.
It was Luna Lovegood, not Tonks that saves Harry in the train.
For the pessimistic film-goers, if you had the read the book you might feel some of it should have been included into the film. But I tell you what, only if you are a diehard, must be true to the book, fanatic then I guess you might feel disappointed (in fact, you shouldn't start on watching the films if you're like that). I guess that scenes from the book missing in the film are, how do you say this.. fleshed out in new ways. Although, there are some aspects that tend to leave you questioning if you had not read the book. In my opinion, I hope when the DVD gets out they'd fill it with deleted scenes that might help a bit.
Some flashbacks of Tom Riddle were omitted, so you get the important bits only. "Dumbledore: Did I know that I just met the most dangerous dark wizard of all time? No." Aww, come on! That's Ralph Fiennes's nephew there! Don't you think he looks creepy enough??
Overall, the theme of romance and adolescence along with magic and fantasy created this film the most exciting in the series. The film is written and directed expertly which may well be the best Harry Potter film in the series.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5
Oh yes, Quidditch returns. How can not forget the intensity and the sportsmanship of Quidditch? But I have to be sorry, Harry, your time to shine really flew with the snitch. Ron is now the blazing Quidditch player.
Oh gee, Harry. I never thought I'd be here like this if it weren't for wizard sidekick gym. (Well, he does look muscular.)
The film is really about growing up. Six films is really a long way for the cast, that is why you can see much of its maturity in the film. The film forces you to reconnect with the previous movies (particularly the first and second)so as to remind you how the series had evolved since its beginnings. As if it had been done deliberately to prepare you for the final chapter, The Deathly Hallows coming out the next year.

First of all, it's the acting that surprises you. Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) sheds his bully persona as we normally see in the previous films to reveal a tortured soul that is clearly showing personal conflict between life and duty inside. What else can we say about Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), finally gained more screen time than the earlier films, is now a powerful character that forces its way into the roster of main characters. I don't know if this is just me, but why do I sense a bit of the late Richard Harris in Dumbledore? I'm not saying Michael Gambon didn't make an original portrayal. Maybe it is the direction where we are treated to the spirit of the former Dumbledore for nostalgic effect.
The film really captured the different genres that surrounds this film. But what most people did not expect is its horror aspect. Terrifying in fact it is surprising that it is in a PG film. However, the romance plays its powerful part in the film. Yes, romance is the driving plot of the film.

My favorite part of the review: the direction. David Yates's induction into the roster of Harry Potter directors makes him the perfect choice. In fact, maybe agree that Yates's style in his direction (as seen in Order of the Phoenix, remember that final battle? Woosh!) makes him the most prominent director in the series and of course, we want to see more of his work in the next addition, The Deathly Hallows.
What about the writing? Steve Kloves returns in the writers helm, creating a screenplay that pretty much sticks out from his earlier Harry Potter films, introducing a more thematic and emotional screenplay. Even in the beginning we are already treated with an idea of what the film will be like, like for example the film begins with Harry leaving the Ministry of Magic after the tragic loss of his godfather which introduces the emotional aspect of the film while later the scene where Harry is first seen in a Cafe talking to a waitress introduces the romance and adolescent aspects. Ok, you might think this is a pretty heavy movie. Well the comedic scenes tend to lighten up the emotional load. It does not forget the fact that this is meant to be a film enjoyed by all ages.

For the pessimistic film-goers, if you had the read the book you might feel some of it should have been included into the film. But I tell you what, only if you are a diehard, must be true to the book, fanatic then I guess you might feel disappointed (in fact, you shouldn't start on watching the films if you're like that). I guess that scenes from the book missing in the film are, how do you say this.. fleshed out in new ways. Although, there are some aspects that tend to leave you questioning if you had not read the book. In my opinion, I hope when the DVD gets out they'd fill it with deleted scenes that might help a bit.

Overall, the theme of romance and adolescence along with magic and fantasy created this film the most exciting in the series. The film is written and directed expertly which may well be the best Harry Potter film in the series.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5
Oh yes, Quidditch returns. How can not forget the intensity and the sportsmanship of Quidditch? But I have to be sorry, Harry, your time to shine really flew with the snitch. Ron is now the blazing Quidditch player.

Stetch Always!
Posted by
I decided to pop by UBD when I heard they were going to play touch rugby. It's not really nice to just stay home feeling flabbier than you normally feel. So a bit of running might help. And it's cool, I got a couple of tries, my second being awesome (I dived to try and ended up having grass and weeds pocketed inside my socks, yikes!).

Remember, stretching is important to prevent injury (I learned that the hard way. Hint: my foot) so take enough time to warm up then stretch. You wouldn't want to end up having cramps.
And no, looking like a Spartan does not make you any cooler when you stretch.
Amir, being thorough in his stretching (fingers might count?)

Remember, stretching is important to prevent injury (I learned that the hard way. Hint: my foot) so take enough time to warm up then stretch. You wouldn't want to end up having cramps.

Joan Jett
Most of you listened to "I love Rock and Roll", that punk rock song with the woman and her hoarse voice. If you don't know what I mean, it's in Guitar Hero (the first). But what I love about Joan Jett is that you rarely find a female punk rocker as a legend. That's right, Joan Jett is to punk rock as Madonna is to Pop. Even now she still looks gorgeous.
The video I put up is one of her cover songs, Androgynous originally by the The Replacements. Not a punk rock song, a bit mellow but hella catchy in my opinion. The country sound matches with the children's library setting where she tells a story about an unconventional love story to a group of youngsters, ending the session with a sing-a-long. Go ahead, give a listen.
Joan Jett - Androgynous
Here comes Dick
He's wearing a skirt
Here comes Jane
You know she's sporting a chain
Same hair revolution
Same build evolution
Tomorrow who's going to fuss
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Well don't get him wrong
And don't get him mad
He might be a father
But he sure ain't a dad
She don't need
Advice that they send to her
She's happy with the way she looks
She's happy with her gender
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Mirror image see no damage
See no evil at all
Cupie dolls and urine stalls
Will be laughed at the way
You're laughed at now
Now something meets boy
And something meets girl
They both are the same
They're overjoyed in this world
Same hair revolution, unisex, evolution
Tomorrow who's gonna fuss
And tomorrow Dick is wearing pants
Tomorrow Jane's wearing a dress
Future outcasts and a they don't last
And a today the people dress the way
That they please
The way they tried to do in the last century
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Don't you get it
Here's an interesting fact. There is a Runaways movie in the works with Kristen Stewart playing as Joan Jett. Go google it and you might find her new look surprising.
The video I put up is one of her cover songs, Androgynous originally by the The Replacements. Not a punk rock song, a bit mellow but hella catchy in my opinion. The country sound matches with the children's library setting where she tells a story about an unconventional love story to a group of youngsters, ending the session with a sing-a-long. Go ahead, give a listen.
Joan Jett - Androgynous
Here comes Dick
He's wearing a skirt
Here comes Jane
You know she's sporting a chain
Same hair revolution
Same build evolution
Tomorrow who's going to fuss
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Well don't get him wrong
And don't get him mad
He might be a father
But he sure ain't a dad
She don't need
Advice that they send to her
She's happy with the way she looks
She's happy with her gender
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Mirror image see no damage
See no evil at all
Cupie dolls and urine stalls
Will be laughed at the way
You're laughed at now
Now something meets boy
And something meets girl
They both are the same
They're overjoyed in this world
Same hair revolution, unisex, evolution
Tomorrow who's gonna fuss
And tomorrow Dick is wearing pants
Tomorrow Jane's wearing a dress
Future outcasts and a they don't last
And a today the people dress the way
That they please
The way they tried to do in the last century
And they love each other so
Closer than you know
Love each other so
Don't you get it
Here's an interesting fact. There is a Runaways movie in the works with Kristen Stewart playing as Joan Jett. Go google it and you might find her new look surprising.
We Love You Baby
video blog
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I haven't got to posting this video. It was recorded after the first Knights game. Everyone just gathered, put there hands in the center and started singing "I love you Baby". That is why I love this team. We are all crazy at heart. (Thank you Lisa for recording it ^^)
I love you Baby
Warning! Bare chested men. Ladies, don't faint.
With rugby put on hold with the flu going around, only God knows when we'll finish the finals. Maybe once the puasa month ends or before the end of this year. Worst, maybe we'll move on to the next year without the finals game and never know who wins.
I'm at home right now and since there is no training, I have to sit my butt here until I start my semester in ITB. I think it's better this way, it may give my foot some more time to heal and rethink all those rugby skills I had for the next game. But you know what I have? Great memories.
I love you Baby
Warning! Bare chested men. Ladies, don't faint.
With rugby put on hold with the flu going around, only God knows when we'll finish the finals. Maybe once the puasa month ends or before the end of this year. Worst, maybe we'll move on to the next year without the finals game and never know who wins.
I'm at home right now and since there is no training, I have to sit my butt here until I start my semester in ITB. I think it's better this way, it may give my foot some more time to heal and rethink all those rugby skills I had for the next game. But you know what I have? Great memories.
Hey Yat, thanks for coming by my house!
photo blog,
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District 9
Aliens and Genocide, in some way does fit well with each other. But what if Aliens came to our planet and, while we wait for technological advancement or interplanetary war, they are confined to slum-like conditions, and worst of all, are not welcome? A story with a message obviously. Apartheid with a twist.
'District 9' Trailer HD
What got me pulled to the film is the documentary style in its portrayal. The setting is also one to pull people. Not many get to see how life is like in Johannesburg, South Africa on screen so I think this is one good opportunity to catch an awesome sci-fi action film and consider a new place to explore.
'District 9' Trailer 2 HD
I heard this film started off with a short film called 'Alive in Joberg' by the same director, which I guess impressed Peter Jackson so much to produce it. You know, comparing both the short film and trailer 2, it looks as if it got a pretty badass makeover. So definitely, I'm catching this one on August 14th this year.
Alive in Joberg by Neill Blomkamp Spyfilms (Halo director)
Catch some more interesting movie news and other random tidbits at http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/
'District 9' Trailer HD
What got me pulled to the film is the documentary style in its portrayal. The setting is also one to pull people. Not many get to see how life is like in Johannesburg, South Africa on screen so I think this is one good opportunity to catch an awesome sci-fi action film and consider a new place to explore.
'District 9' Trailer 2 HD
I heard this film started off with a short film called 'Alive in Joberg' by the same director, which I guess impressed Peter Jackson so much to produce it. You know, comparing both the short film and trailer 2, it looks as if it got a pretty badass makeover. So definitely, I'm catching this one on August 14th this year.
Alive in Joberg by Neill Blomkamp Spyfilms (Halo director)
Catch some more interesting movie news and other random tidbits at http://thezeolotdiary.blogspot.com/
Frozen in time (5mins really) in Mall Gadong
This was Sunday two weeks ago I think. So I heard this group was planning to do something, well, what we don't normally do: Surprise people publicly. I thought what the hell (I believe everyone else thought so too), and joined up anyway. It's a beautiful Sunday and hundreds of people will show up (I mean it seriously, parking in Gadong is an almost impossible task). It was easy enough to join, met alot of people I know then who also took part in the Freezing. Yes, it's great if you are not alone.
Video popped up in youtube recently. Can you believe it? 178 people joined up?
Frozen At The Mall Gadong (Official Video)
Frozen At The Mall Gadong (Credits Video)
Want proof I was there? 1:56 there's my name!
Some more vids on that day. The freeze covered all four floors (to some going huh?! it includes the ground floor). First floor was packed but that did not stop us when the horn blew. Some were oblivious, hahahah!
Frozen @ The Mall ft KBrockers [BRU]
Freeze @ The Mall
Video popped up in youtube recently. Can you believe it? 178 people joined up?
Frozen At The Mall Gadong (Official Video)
Frozen At The Mall Gadong (Credits Video)
Want proof I was there? 1:56 there's my name!
Some more vids on that day. The freeze covered all four floors (to some going huh?! it includes the ground floor). First floor was packed but that did not stop us when the horn blew. Some were oblivious, hahahah!
Frozen @ The Mall ft KBrockers [BRU]
Freeze @ The Mall
Where am I at?
I'm guilty, sorry everyone! Yes, I have not been updating, but face it. There is always a period where everything is put on hold, like the years between Star Wars films Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace (using this reference because Empire Strikes Back on HDTV brought back my Star Wars Fanaticism. Fanboy at heart^^)
Most of the time, a period of absence mostly ends with a big comeback. Since you guys know me so much, I do like to make a big spectacle of myself. But no, not today. I just want to let everyone know I'm back writing. Only God knows if I'll keep updating but you know what? I love blogging so yes, I'm sticking by it.
One wasn't fortunate though. With Michael Jackson gone, all that hoping for Michael to make that big comeback is now forever impossible. I grew up listening to Michael, even attended both concerts when he came to Brunei and I remember vividly the stage where he danced in the distance from where I sat. Electrifying, Colorful, Amazing. Pretty much he's one of the few great memories of my childhood in the once flourishing amusement park where the show was held. Even now I still can't do the moonwalk.
Let's all stop this grieving, because Michael lived to make the world smile.
My foot healed but I still limp from time to time. Gloriously I got back to training and real eager to get my ass back on to the field for some blood letting, but with the H1N1 flu going around this weeks training and maybe leading to Puasa, looks like every team is on hold. $4!+!
Anyway, more good news. I got admitted to ITB (Institute of Technology Brunei) under Business Marketing. It's a long shot from the actual subjects that I'm really good at, but you know.. you must always keep your arm up and your hand reaching for the sky. Best part? 13 out of 15 in my course are women. ^_^
Most of the time, a period of absence mostly ends with a big comeback. Since you guys know me so much, I do like to make a big spectacle of myself. But no, not today. I just want to let everyone know I'm back writing. Only God knows if I'll keep updating but you know what? I love blogging so yes, I'm sticking by it.
One wasn't fortunate though. With Michael Jackson gone, all that hoping for Michael to make that big comeback is now forever impossible. I grew up listening to Michael, even attended both concerts when he came to Brunei and I remember vividly the stage where he danced in the distance from where I sat. Electrifying, Colorful, Amazing. Pretty much he's one of the few great memories of my childhood in the once flourishing amusement park where the show was held. Even now I still can't do the moonwalk.
Let's all stop this grieving, because Michael lived to make the world smile.
My foot healed but I still limp from time to time. Gloriously I got back to training and real eager to get my ass back on to the field for some blood letting, but with the H1N1 flu going around this weeks training and maybe leading to Puasa, looks like every team is on hold. $4!+!
Anyway, more good news. I got admitted to ITB (Institute of Technology Brunei) under Business Marketing. It's a long shot from the actual subjects that I'm really good at, but you know.. you must always keep your arm up and your hand reaching for the sky. Best part? 13 out of 15 in my course are women. ^_^
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