No uniforms, just yourself.

Friday, July 17, 2009
I'm off to school. I'm not going go over dramatic on this and say "Tomorrow is a New Day" (in which technically I already said it). It's great that I get to go back to school (Ziggy! What are you saying?!). I miss the life and these eight months do seem unforgiving at times. Now it's time to hit books again.

Congratulations to everyone who got into UBD and ITB. It looks like we just made a big leap from college there. But what will expect? New life, new culture, new stories to tell. And how about your other friends who may not be by your side? We get these break away from our friends alot, and it's always sad. I tell you what, don't forget us. Keep that image of you and your friends together in your head, especially the best memories you had together.

Yes, it is very emotional for me. There aren't many people I know getting into ITB but I can only hope and stay optimistic that I will definitely see my old friends, and maybe make new ones. I guess there is always a time when you get to share stories like before another day.

Well, looks like there are somethings I need to do before the actual studying begins. Clean my room, it's a mess ^^

Have fun, enjoy like always.