Here's a video of the Online Co-op. I remember watching the PS3 Home trailer where you communicate with other avatars then it goes straight to online gaming. This video is also the first look of the games insanely amazing graphics.
The next video touches on its customizing features and level building. Hilarious.
Some special downloadable content also included for those who pre-order. It's cool that you get to customise your ragdoll with cool costumes, but this is way cooler. Getting to see the Nariko from Heavenly Sword in mini size, jumping around obstacles... wow. I think most of you guys saw its gameplay on Heroes?

Nariko in Little Big Planet help me decide to buy the game once it's released. What's really funny, however, is the other downloadable costume which strengthened my resolve.

OMFG, it's the GOD OF WAR.
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