The drawings are clean and not as grainy as its pdf form which fits with the new look on today's comics. It just proves that Watchmen will always be timeless. If you read on the back of the book, it says, "A WORK OF RUTHLESS PSYCHOLOGICAL REALISM, IT'S A LANDMARK IN THE GRAPHIC NOVEL MEDIUM." - One of TIME MAGAZINE's 100 Best English-Language Novels since 1923. It is truly a masterful work of art and a great addition to my Graphic Novel collection. Which now includes:
V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd
Blankets by Craig Thompson
To The Heart of the Storm by Will Eisner
300 by Frank Miller
History of Violence by John Wagner and Vincent Locke
..and now finally
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
The next Graphic Novel, I will try, will be from my pocket. Maybe I'll order it sometime, maybe in the next year because, seriously, it's like an addiction. I do read other novels (which are gladly placed in the library with other great books I own). Next to aim for? From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, Wanted by Mark Millar and JG Jones, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, and last but not released yet is Habibi by Craig Thompson whom I hope will finish the comic someday. Thank you Mom for everything ^^
You are most welcome Zi!
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