Internet's working great!

Friday, January 30, 2009
Now we can surf in the newly made up library. I apologies to everyone for not updating my blog much. Since the PC was transferred up in the new library (where my former room was before) the inability for the E-speed to work upstairs had pushed us into desperation and forced us to work everything in this PC with a USB WiFi. Mainly I depended on this PC for blogging so I hope this explains my occasional inactivity.

The reason we get excited with Pet Society. Featuring my Pet: War.

Oh, a public message.
Prom Tickets are on sale for $20 singles and $35 doubles from Nisha, Ummi, G and I think Adibah has the tickets as well. Ask your friends if they got the tickets.
It will be in Asma Hotel on the 7th February. A Saturday night. Starting on 7pm. Come with your friends and the food!