A female joined us for training today. Took me awhile to recognize she was Mona whom I met before as Dan's friend from ISB. I always respected women rugby players partly because there aren't any here and mainly because a woman who could handle aggressive sports deserves the respect. So yeah, Mona is cool and so is Shawn from Australia because he has got wicked rugby skills. It's amazing to see such ball passing skills as well (which I remind you is rarely seen here hehehe) like a breath of fresh air.
Hansie joined us as well, but I believe he's there as a temporary coach while Tladi was training the U18s and Ben Peacocke was off training the UBD sharks. Hansie would have been great with the blacks but I think he's training the police as well (and our Sixers training are partly from the original police plan). Hansie, of course would make a great teammate and a great opponent in a game.
Now it's rugby season, I can't wait for the next line of games with some new and experienced players in the team. League starts off soon and I bet every team is now rigorously training to overthrow the blacks in the Darussalam Cup. Whether I play or not, I am now eager to see the action.

See you all in the field of battle. ^^
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