It's funny because during the last two years I thought I gave up drawing. You see, earlier in my life I believed drawing is everything to me. Then the passion started fading away and making way for my other passions: rugby, blogging, films, music.
My love for comic books never changed though. I remember the V for vendetta film came out then I really wanted to read the graphic novel. When I finally had it, I was engulfed with its writing that I wanted to read more of it. Watchmen made me understand the beauty of combining visual art and brilliant writing, but it wasn't until I had Blankets that got me hooked to it. I've mentioned Blankets a great number of times, that's how much love I express for the novel. Believe it or not, it was this particular graphic novel that got me back to drawing again.
It's like going back to my old self again. The moment I pressed the pencil on the paper, my hand works its way with missed familiarity. Skills don't fade away and neither are your old favorite hobbies.

The first page of the comic I'm working on. Here's to renewing old flames.
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