Connectivity Everywhere

Friday, August 7, 2009
I'm trying out this Zoom Broadband (and for security purposes, I'm not saying whose heheheh it's not mine...). Initially, it's working quite well and so far, no problems. It's pretty fast, well fast enough to match the house's e-speed connection and I'm writing this in the Mall.

I talked to my Dad whether if I could get one myself. You know, when I get that "Computer" *hint hint* It's a good idea too. The WiFi in school is impossible at times and since I am now in a learning environment that DEMANDS internet connectivity, wireless broadband connection with a carry-around USB modem seems to be the most appropriate now. Especially with its Student Promo hehehe.

I had another weird dream today. At first it was Macbooks and Rugby, then I dreamt I was Cobra Commander?? Maybe it's my body saying "Go watch the GI Joe film Dammit!". I awkwardly woke up that afternoon blurting out "COBRAAAAAA" out loud. (...)