The Long Patience to get there

Monday, August 24, 2009
Changed my blog template. Hope you guys like it. It's kind of fitting at the moment, I'm now blogging with the macbook on my lap. And I pretty have gotten used to this thing. I got all my homework in here, downloaded some comic books, typed in here for notes and refer to the teacher's presentations right in here. Yes, ITB life is all busy.

I must not forget my goals though. In fact my intentions have all been written in BIG, BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS somewhere in my head. Won't reveal it, but it's got to do with family and spring. Yes, spring. Just so happens I heard my cousin is going there.

Only God can tell how my trail leads. But I've got to see it through with an open heart and a head of steel. Here's to the future, and the long patience to get there.