I make friends easily, it's how I am. Some needed a little push just to get to know each other. Others tend to be a bit withdrawn. Thank God none of them came at me with a knife. Sometimes you need someone to be, let's say, a mediator for everyone. It's like a job you know, getting everyone to be really confident and to not panic whenever time is of the essence. I got to know nearly everyone and I'm thankful that I got 60% of their names (hehehe sorry!). Anyway, it's already the second week and already we are fooling around together on the Macbook. Here are some jewels featuring Mawi, Abby, Alicecia, and Cdah.

Did I mention I am a Group Leader representing Marketing? That reminds me. I've got to meet the Student Liaison Officer concerning the Textbooks. Then there's the notes needed to be printed and the money needs to be collected.. business is good.
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