Holidays Pt 2

Monday, September 10, 2007
I had a 4 hour English Lit class today.
I got a chance to read Ozymandias, a poem themed on how even great powers eventually fall. My favourite part: (puts on God-like voice)

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"

Got really bad sunburn after the beach. It was too painful to sleep with which made me wake up alot. I thought my sore muscles would give way to a healthy sleep only to meet another pain in the neck (literally).

I still want to go out with friends. A movie or a meal, whatever! Just so I could get my day's walk and my satisfaction. Too bad, I missed Sushi with Fids yesterday (yum, sushi..).

Grey's anatomy is awesome to watch. It has very gripping plot lines, intense surgeries, great acting. Meredith Grey has the most dazzling eyes (grey/blue) I've ever seen, which reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia's eyes, and very mesmerising. Brings out that saviour mood when you see her.

Days before the holiday, I found a kitten meowing under the bushes. Before we gave it away, Riku (my senior) and I gave it food and a box for it stay in. It kind of reminded me of my favourite cat (whom I embarassingly called it 'Comel' ) that died years ago. Really sad, it was my first pet that I really cared for.
I named it 'Rugby' as a joke, but I got a real knack on calling it that way, hahaha.

A short poem I wrote after the beach trip.


You know, looking at that ocean,
it is really beautiful.
The sun luminated the vast blue sea
like a blind man granted sight.
Wished I had someone there
to tell how much I loved the sea
And how much I miss the sea
And how much I like to see it again.