Talk about Guitars again

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I was watching this clip of Steve vai making his pinch harmonic squeals.

I knew that the only way to bring my guitar playing to its full potential is a 'Floyd Rose'.

What's a Floyd Rose, you ask? You know that bar hanging around at the guitar's bridge? That's call a tremolo and it's supposed to create a kind of vibrato for your guitar. Most trems makes these lower sounding bends when you play (because you push it down), but a Floyd Rose is much more unique.

Not only you can push the bar down in a Floyd Rose trem, but you can pull up. It heightens the pitch of the guitar and it is the key to creating my musical style and noise factor: Harmonic Screams.

Pinch Harmonics takes time to learn but Harmonic Screams make my guitar playing more satisfying.