Photo blog 31: Last day of School 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Seems as if the year is short.

When was the first time when we said
"HI" and got to know each other?

One year later, and already we're like family.

I have many friends, most of them I love.

God bless you

I'm satisfied

Cleaning campaign today. What a way to celebrate the end of school.
Though it's brief but it was intense.

Names for who'll get promoted is listed (which scared Ummi alot, but she did anyway). As we cleaned we feared for how our friends will end up.

Andy shook my hand and said, "Sorry, I can't join you next year"
Confused, I said, "What do you mean by that?"
"I didn't get promoted"
"And you mean you can't join me next year because you aren't moving upper six?"

With a slight hit at Andy's chest, I told him, "Dude, then join the Rugby team! It's no different even if you're still a junior"
"Dude, I am a Rugby player"

And like Rugby brothers, we believe in each other and we never forget our teammates.