Car Hunting

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fooled around with the Ford ST.

Not a big fan of cars yet. But I can only tell you that it's
1. Manual Drive
2. Goes to Six Speeds

Pretty sweet for racing.

Forgot to mention,
We Passed our Driving Theory. HOOHA! *throws confetti*

So before we can take the driving practical, the family went "Car-hunting" (what my mom calls it).

Didn't get any pics of the cars we checked out, but we went through Mitsubishi, then the Volkswagen (there was a sweet Beetle with a removable roof. And the steel was milky. Awesome.)

A third car for the family is one plan, and Zani and I might be getting the Nissan Patrol. Driving it to school and partying, here we come!